Performance Improvement

Plan at Work

With Evidence Based Mental and Performance Training

How to Create a Performance Improvement Plan with a High Success Rate

Introduction: Why do You Need a Performance Improvement Plan?

keywords: performance improvement plan, employee evaluation, performance management plan

Performance improvement plans are a way of ensuring that employees are performing at their best. It also helps them to identify what they need to do in order to improve their performance. They are a roadmap for the employee and the leadership to benchmark, monitor and manage the progress and performance of the individual. Performance improvement plans are often used in the workplace as a way of ensuring that employees are performing at their best. This can be through an evaluation of performance, or through identifying what needs to be done in order for employees to improve their performance. In simple terms a comparison of where the employee’s performance is now and where all parties would like it to be at some pre determined future date. To compare the two points on the plan would highlight a gap, which I call the performance gap. This gap needs to be closed to achieve exceptional performance in the workplace or if less than what is required by management.

Step 1 - Map Out the Purpose of the Plan

keywords: employee review day, performance goals, business objectives

Employee review day is a time for employees to get feedback on their performance. It is important to have an understanding of the purpose of the review before employees prepare. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that all employees know what the company's objectives are and how they can contribute to those goals. The plan should also provide information about how their performance will be evaluated, as well as what they can do if they want to improve their results in the future. This plan should also provide a roadmap for each employee's development, including what skills they need to work on, where they need more training, and how they can get help in these areas. This will help them understand where they are going and where they need to go in order to reach their goals.

Step 2 - Gather Data for the Employee

keywords: company meeting, success rate

In this step, the company needs to gather data about the employee. This includes their performance reviews, work history, and any other information that is relevant and necessary. This step is crucial because it will give the company a better understanding of what they need to do to improve the success rate of their employee. Opportunities also exist here for acquiring feedback from other team or organisational members.

Step 3 - How to Create the Plan

keywords: how to create a performance improvement plan for employees, action plan example

In this section, we will explore the three steps to create a plan for employees.

Step A: Identify the Problem: Always consider the problem from two perspectives, firstly, the needs of the business and secondly, the needs of the staff member. Often the two are in opposition with each other and will cause conflict.

Step B: Gather Data and Analyse it: Remember that performance is not always an objective and measurable target but a subjective destination, so care needs to be taken with results before there is any form of analysis on the data.

Step C: Create a Plan: Make it simple and visual. Show the points now and the future. Identify the gap and explain thoroughly the meaning of all entries on the plan. Once completed get agreement with the employee and their manager that what has been agreed upon is what is actually in the document.

Conclusion - Your Employees are Worth it! Make Sure You Have a Successful Performance Improvement Plan in Place.

So in conclusion, Performance Improvement Plans are an important tool for Human Resources to use and a great way for employees to improve their skills and to make a positive impact on the business. It will show a clear path of direction from now to then. It will identify the performance gap as well as highlight the major areas of concern that can be assigned a weighting of importance.

Each area of importance will then be assigned three activities, actions or strategies that will help project the employee along the path. Care must be given here to write these goals correctly covering the major goal achievement areas of process goals, performance goals and finally the outcome goals. Action points will be simple to follow and will cover cognitive, emotional and behavioural aspects of the employee’s performance. Leaving out any of these performance markers will prove difficult for the employee to achieve the closure of the performance gap.

Personal Development Plans

Personal development and performance plans are crucial to the modern employee, manager or leader just like they are in elite sport, where your whole performance future can be designed into a simple to follow plan that maps out your future through expectations and easy to follow actions and thoughts.